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Blue Biotechnology: unveiling the mystery of the ocean

To our esteemed readers and contributors, I am honored to introduce the first issue of “Blue Biotechnology” to you. As a sister publication to the new biotechnology field of Springer Nature's BMC brand, “Blue Biotechnology” focuses on all applied research and biotechnology research results in Marine microbes (microalgae, bacteria, and fungi), algae, and invertebrates. These studies address various aspects of basic biological research, such as evolution, phylogeny and taxonomy, ecology and metagenomics, and cellular and molecular biology. The vision of Blue Biotechnology is to explore marine resources, promote the development of blue bioeconomy and sustainable management and conservation of fisheries, coastal and marine environment.

Our journal scope includes, but is not limited to:

  • Bioproduction from aquatic biomass, such as food, feed, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, energy, packaging, materials

  • Biotechnology, synthetic biology, and genetic and metabolic engineering for aquaculture

  • Environmental aspects affecting marine biotechnology and bioproduction

  • Development of marine biological resources and biodiversity

  • Aspects of pathology and diseases related to marine biotechnology affecting human health

  • Policy issues, life cycle assessments, and debates

In addition, we are interested in promoting and improving innovative technologies for clean water and sanitation (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 6), Sustainable Cities and communities (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 11), underwater and terrestrial organisms (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 14,15). The study published in Blue Biotechnology aims to resonate with the principles of green chemistry, with a particular focus on safer solvents and reactions, energy efficiency, renewable feedstocks, post-use degradation, and avoidance of chemical derivatives. We welcome any research contribution on Marine biotechnology, while also encouraging policy issues, life cycle assessment and debate.

As the Editor in Chief, I sincerely hope to create a journal to promote the development and utilization of marine resources and promote the research of marine biotechnology. It not only serves as a way to promote the dissemination of knowledge, but also can inspire more scholars to participate in the research of marine biotechnology. Through the cooperation and unremitting efforts of researchers, professionals and innovators in industry, we will gradually uncover the mystery of the ocean and push the field of biotechnology research to a new stage and a new era. In addition, the establishment of this journal is inseparable from the strong support of the members of the editorial board. The hard work and professional knowledge of the editors provide a solid guarantee for the frontier of the journal and the high level of research content. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the editors. We sincerely invite outstanding researchers to join the big family of blue biotechnology and jointly explore the great potential of biotechnology in the process of human exploration of the ocean.

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NH conceptualized the idea for editorial; NH and ZL wrote the original draft of the manuscript and approved the final draft.

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Correspondence to Ning He.

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He, N., Li, Z. Blue Biotechnology: unveiling the mystery of the ocean. Blue Biotechnology 1, 8 (2024).

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